7 of the best talismans for good luck and money

If you want to attract good luck and money, the first thing that should be done with the confidence pet, that will increase your energy.

Improve your life and be a person of success is possible with the help of powerful amulets. It has already been shown repeatedly that the energy of the things heavily influences our lives. To attract money and good luck, you should only select the pet that will fit your objectives and intentions. Correct talisman, success, luck and well-being.

The amulet

1. The ring of the infinite luck

If your cherished dream is not a reality, as is what you can do with the ring talisman. Charge the decoration of the lucky mere rite: in the rising of the moon, clean the ring of the help of the energy and negativity. Enter a pot of cold water, add a tablespoon of salt and 3 pinch of soda. Wait until the salt is dissolved and then put in a pan the ring, conjuring:

"The salt water, wash with rings negative for always!"

Leave the ring in peace for a while (10-20 minutes), allowing the saltwater to clean up the decor of a strange energy. After the ring of the need to put you under the light of the moon and begin to talk about lucky:

"The crescent Moon, stood on the force, they put the wealth, let me get to the success."

Ring stop charging until the morning. Do not forget that gold is better attracts the money, the silver — the success, and the tree of luck.

2. Monetary toad

The most famous mascot in the habit of considering monetary of a toad. Amulet that attracts easily of energy savings in the home. Is that you need the money, you want to preserve your savings and get rid of the loans. The present monetary toad you must meet the following criteria:

Monetary toad
  • be made of gold or green in color;
  • standing on three legs;
  • keep in the mouth a coin, that you can easily pull. If the currency is applied or will be difficult to get — and it will be difficult to earn money.

Monetary of a toad, usually put at home, in the zone of wealth. The most important thing — do not put on the table, as well as an amulet he has fear of height.

3. Pendant-the sun, the luck and the money

The sun is the symbol of light, happiness, well-being and good luck, because that overcomes the darkness. Pendant with logo Sun will become a perfect pet. Buy pendant is needed in a good mood. Well, if it is gold. The ritual of the load of the decoration on the success and the money is made in the afternoon, when the light of the sun. Pendant put in a sunny place and leave 40 minutes by car. Then they are pronounced:

"The sun-the sun, look out at the window. Charge the amulet of ten years. During the fifty days bring me a million rubles".

After sharing with the pet of your desires, tell us what you need the money, and what are dreams if you want to fulfill with your help. The amulet carried in a visible place, and at night, remove and put under the pillow. The more in contact with him, the better.

4. Talisman of natural wood

Green socks

Simple pet brings a lot of money. Some of the practices recommended to buy a talisman with the image of cash of the runes, but a little thing of wood is able to increase the cash income. The perfect pet and for the young people and the elderly, and the poor and to the rich. The use of this amulet is beneficial for the generation of energy. It restores the balance, opens the cash flows, and saves them from the losses and wins of tiredness and fatigue.

Wooden talisman maintained, or to itself (in the wallet, bag or pocket), or stored at home, in the office or in the car. Make sure that you are not lost. If the amulet unexpectedly where he had disappeared, then it is time to be cleansed of negativity, envy and deterioration.

5. Green socks

This cute house pet quickly attracts to its owner desired. Here it is not necessary to wait for the rising of the moon, the bright Sun, or a good day to buy. Well, if it's green socks which he tied a loved one. Ideally, you can link them with their own hands. On the inside of each sock are placed in a ticket with the words: "Charge lucky, get money."

The socks must be stored in a prominent place, but outside the scope of the place. After a month socks we have to use a few minutes before sleeping and make a wish: one for each. When the desires will be fulfilled, the rite of worth repeating.

6. Moneytree

The tree is the energy of prosperity, growth and the infinite development. The pet of the house, but it can help and in the office. Created in the space of the atmosphere of luck, strengthens the energy. Suitable for the professional growth and those that are willing to take the responsibility.

According to tradition, a sprig of cash of the wood it is necessary to take in a rich house. Under the pot, put seven of gold (gold or yellow) coins. Watering your tree, it is necessary to think about the wealth, the luxury, fame and prosperity. If the tree does not grow, and the currency quickly put on black, check the energy in the home: it is likely that the energy of money and prosperity fades.

7. The memories that elicit pleasant emotions

Attract money

Intuition is often described in articles that carry a positive charge. In your eyes can get interesting coin, shiny stone, unusual figurine, an ornament hanging. As nothing special, and attracts, fascinates. Make sure buy — this pet attract a lot of money and good luck.

Before you use the talisman of fate, should be cleaned of external energy. To this end, the experts on the site dailyhoro.ru advise to take under the jet of water for a few seconds. The water will wash away the negative. After this we should pronounce a sentence or a spell, and load the object in the luck and the money.

By selecting the pet, you will be able to attract good luck and money. Remember, that talismans and amulets is not a magic wand that he will deliver us out of the lack of money, credits, debts and financial problems. It is your partner who will inspire you the right way, strengthen faith and protect against large losses. Success!